Course Description

The American historian, Carl Becker, defined “history” simply as the memory of things said and done. We each have our personal stories, which are integral parts of even larger histories--of our families, of the society around us, of the nation, of Western Civilization, and even of the world. Without such anchors and frames of reference, our live would lack identity and meaning. Ultimately, then the study of history at every level is an attempt to understand who we are. The purpose of this class is to show you, the students, how a people’s history, its resources, and its attitude and values affect the present and shape the future.


After completing this class, students will be able to:

1.      develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where  

they did, why they became dominant, and why they declined.

2.      analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link, despite time, between the contemporary and ancient worlds.  

Materials Required

Textbook: The World and Its People

Documents, films, and maps

Instructional Format

For this class, I am going to stay away from the “I talk and you write” format. I am not going to lie to you, there will be some days that I will have to lecture, but there will be in-class discussions, cooperative learning activities, and out of class field trips. Plus you get to experience all my artistic skills. As students, I want you to become active and involved in the learning process, so feel free to participate and speak your mind.

Course Assignments

            TESTS—100 pts. each

            MINI TESTS—50 pts. each

            YEAR PROJECT (INDIVIDUAL)—50 pts.

PRE-TEST—10 pts. each


            PROJECTS (GROUP)—?

            PARTICIPATION—10 pts. each

            BRAINSTORMS—5 pts. each

            EXTRA CREDIT—is provided in every unit


TIME is our enemy. I am a teacher who is flexible. If we find a topic in World History that everybody is interested in, we will spend more time researching and exploring that aspect, but everyone must stay on task and involved.


UNIT 1-What is Geography?                          

UNIT 2-What is History?                                           

UNIT 3-The Great Empires                               

UNIT 4-The Dawn of Civilization                           

UNIT 5-The Egyptian Empire                                 

UNIT 6-Empires of Ancient India

UNIT 7-Dynasties of Ancient China

UNIT 8-Civilization of Ancient Greece

UNIT 9-The Heritage of Rome

UNIT 10-Central and South American Empires

UNIT 11-South Dakota History

Grading Scale

                        A+ 100-99                                                           C+ 86-84                         

                        A     98-96                                                  C   84-80

                        A-    95-94                                                  C-  79-78

                        B+   93-92                                                  D+ 77-76

                        B     91-89                                                  D   75-72

                        B-    88-87                                                  D-  71-70

                                                       F   BELOW 70


            **LATE GRADES

                        1st day late-----10% off

                        2nd day late----ZERO


Students caught cheating on tests or copying daily assignments or papers will receive a zero for that test, assignment, or paper. NO EXCEPTIONS!



***Please feel free to stop in and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns about assignments, material, or anything. Think of me as a resource here for you to use!



  Always expect MORE out of yourself”