

Course Description

Science. When you hear this world, do you think it has little to do with what’s important in your life? You go to science class. You have a science teacher. You learn science terms and facts. But, what is the connection between sitting in the class and the rest of your daily life? Science is more than just terms and facts. You and other people are curious about what is happening in the world. You may have problems to solve or questions that need answers. Science is a way or a process used to investigate what is happening around us. It provides some possible answers. You, the students, will transfer into scientist. Through this alteration, you will explore and see how science can be useful to you[1].


After completing this class, students will be able to:

1.      pose questions that can be explored through scientific investigations.

2.      identify the subatomic particles that make up atoms.

3.      classify matter based on physical and chemical properties.

4.      describe how push/pull forces acting on an object produce motion.

5.      identify types of energy transformations.

6.      illustrate the differences between plant and animal cells.

7.      explain the importance and scientific use of a classification system.

8.      describe how the spheres of the Earth interact.

9.      examine the role of water on the Earth.

10. explain processes involved in the formation of the Earth’s structure.

11. identify the organization and relative scale of the solar system.

12. describe how science and technology have helped society to solve problems.

13. identify the problems of human activity on the local, regional, or global environment.

Materials Required

Textbook: Science Voyages RED, GREEN & BLUE

Documents, films, and lab equipment

Instructional Format

Each student brings his or her own unique set of abilities, perceptions, and needs into the classroom. It is important for me, the teacher, to try to make the classroom environment as flexible to ensure a good learning atmosphere exists for all students[2]. As students, I want you to become active and involved in the learning process, so feel free to participate and speak your mind.  

Course Assignments

            TESTS—100 pts. each

            MINI TESTS—50 pts. each


            PROJECTS (GROUP)—?

            PARTICIPATION—10 pts. each

            LABS—20 pts. each

            EXTRA CREDIT—is provided in every unit


TIME is our enemy. I am a teacher who is flexible. If we find a topic in World History that everybody is interested in, we will spend more time researching and exploring that aspect, but everyone must stay on task and involved.


  UNIT 1-The Nature of Science and Measurement                                     Chapter(s)      1 & 2

  UNIT 2-Matter                                                                                                                         3                     

  UNIT 3-Motion and Force                                                                                                  6

  UNIT 4-Energy                                                                                                                                    5

  UNIT 5-Electricity and Magnetism                                                                                         6 & 7

  UNIT 6-Classifying Life                                                                                                                 15-21

  UNIT 7-Heredity                                                                                                                                 17

  UNIT 8-Life and the Environment                                                                                      17

  UNIT 9-Atmosphere                                                                                                               12

UNIT 10-Plate Tectonics                                                                                                                   10

UNIT 11-Solar System                                                                                                              22

UNIT 12-Our Impact on Land, Air, and Water                                                                          13 & 14

Grading Scale

                        A+ 100-99                                                           C+ 86-84                         

                        A     98-96                                                  C   84-80

                        A-    95-94                                                  C-  79-78

                        B+   93-92                                                  D+ 77-76

                        B     91-89                                                  D   75-72

                        B-    88-87                                                  D-  71-70

                                                       F   BELOW 70


            **LATE GRADES

                        1st day late-----10% off

                        2nd day late----ZERO


Students caught cheating on tests or copying daily assignments or papers will receive a zero for that test, assignment, or paper. NO EXCEPTIONS!


***Please feel free to stop in and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns about assignments, material, or anything. Think of me as a resource here for you to use!




Always expect MORE out of yourself”


[1] Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, copyright 2000, Westerville, OH


[2] Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, copyright 2000, Westerville, OH